Life is what you make it… it’s not predetermined. Your fate isn’t reality, you create actuality.
You say you’ve never taken the easy way, you’ve diverted to the path less traveled, you’ve experienced things others have not, so why should you hold back on the path of love?
This is not the conservative path or the road most often taken. It’s not the easy way, the no brainer. This is the road less traveled, but lined with passion, fire, desire and drive. If you decide to quit this, to play it safe and go with the flow, then how often will you wonder what it would have been like if you had taken the passionate road less traveled. What would you have missed out on? Do you want those regrets later, or will you face your fears now? Dive into the flame of commitment, feel the heat on your skin until you can’t feel it any longer…. until the flame refines you into the man that everyone can respect and hold in high esteem as the one who defined love and found everlasting in it.
Don’t let go of something this precious, you only live once so you better think twice.