Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Look at the night skies: Who do you think made all this? Who marches this army of stars out each night, counts them off, calls each by name- so magnificent! so powerful!- and never overlooks a single one?Why would you ever complain... or whine... saying "God has lost track of me. He doesn't care what happens to me"?
Don't you know anything? Haven't you been listening? God doesn't come and go.


-Isaiah 40:27-29

It is so "human" to get so caught up in our own agenda that we forget to call on Jesus for His plan. God gives us opportunities, people, or even experiences that are meant as blessings but can ultimately distract us from the intimacy that we need with our Savior. Much like a negative side-affect associated with an otherwise really great medicine, the side-affect of happiness and just plain "good things" is sometimes too much "me" and not enough God.

"Who did this? Who made it happen? Who always gets things
started? I did. GOD.
I'm first on the scene. I'm also the last to leave."

Isaiah 41:4 reminds us that even in the good things, God is in control. All we need to do is trust Him and seek Him, and thank Him! Nothing can fill the desires of our souls but GOD himself. No good thing, no person, and no place. He created us to need Him. So seek Him. He will not leave you, in good times or bad. He is there. Period.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This is a must read post from Peter J. Leithart's blog, I just had to re-post it, wish I had written it myself, nevertheless, it's truth:

I am glad Osama bin Laden is dead. He was an evil man.

And I think the surgical method used to kill him is commendable. The Bible, especially Judges, endorses assassinations: Kill the head, and the body becomes powerless . Wars slaughter thousands, or hundreds of thousands of relatively innocent young men, always on both sides. War is costly, especially in human terms. Better to destroy war-mongers who start wars.

That said, my enthusiasm for this operation is tempered by the recollection that the US made Osama bin Laden. Michael Moore is right on this point, if nowhere else: We supported bin Laden in his battle against the Soviets, as we also supported Saddam Hussein so long as he was fighting Iran. We had a hand (how direct is a matter of dispute) in creating bin Laden, creating the Taliban, creating al-Qaeda.

Americans have a right to breathe a sigh of relief. Yet the lesson is not, as President Obama, Charles Krauthammer, and others have suggested, that “we do big.” The lesson is that we’re pretty good at creating messes, and that we’re occasionally good at the mopping-up process. When the euphoria is over, will we take the opportunity to reflect seriously on our record of cultivating the serpents we later kill?


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Intimately Attuned

Many thoughts have permeated my mind as of lately as I get comfortable with this new chapter of my life. So many thoughts in fact, that I haven’t been able to place them into words on a page- today everything just came out.

So many things have changed about me in the past few months, and for the better. I am becoming the true me, as strange as that sounds. Never have I been able to let go of the uncontrollable longing to fulfill the specific qualities that society or just a singular person requires of me, up until now.

What is most precious is that when I look into the eyes of the man that I love, and grow to love more every day, I see myself there. He has taught me through trust that I can share my mind, my self, my soul, my everything, honestly without having to be anything else other than genuine.

There are no words to express the comfort of feeling safe with a person. For the first time, I never have to weigh my thoughts or measure my words. In contrast, I pour them all out, filterless, just as they are, clumps of sandy gold mixed together. In him I can confide, trusting his faithful hand to sift, to keep what is worth keeping, and to blow away the rest of the sand with a breath of loving kindness.

He is the only one who has ever brought light into the dark places of my inner most being, allowing me to uncover the truth and discover my own authentic nature as a human being in his company. He will never throw me away for communicating my feelings, my hurts, even my secrets. I am learning to fearlessly and freely express everything through my words while walls of fear from past experiences fall every time I engage in intimate communication with the man I trust most.

I’ve placed my shaking, scared hand in his firm and faithful hand, and for a time I may have been scared- but now I live with the freedom of transparency; that his eyes can look deep into my soul and love me all the same, even in the midst of new revelations and questions. He is my irreplaceable commitment, and he is love to me.

I know what we have is indeed love because it calls on us to be one mind; to make inevitable conflict and even personal pain resources for even deeper intimacy. This journey toward enduring love is backed by a foundation of safety and security, a source of comfort, care and protection, and it is rooted deeper every day. Life without intimacy with him, is impossible.

Monday, January 10, 2011